Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Let the class begin...

Hi, this will be a joint adventure.
There will be homework.
There will be easy days and hard days.
You will take days off, skip out on some days - play hooky.
That is okay. all a part of life. and hopefully you will end up with experiences (maybe good maybe bad) that will be fodder for your creativity.
Being creative just because is something I do not do enough. Something that I WISH that I did more. more freely. more spontaneously. more communally. more alone. more in so many ways.
Anyway. I love words.
I love writing.
I wish I were a better writer. I wish that I just wrote and didn't worry about what kind of writer I am...
so this. This is my chance. And I would like for us to write together.
What do you say? Are you in?

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