Thursday, October 21, 2010

How are we going to do this???

I have begun to search online using keyword searches such as, "how to host a creative writing group." Lots of the suggestions include having snacks and tea/coffee... well that is not going to work for us... so how are we going to do this?
I am boldly (maybe fool-hardily) jumping into the unknown.
There are logistical things to think upon, such as
  • how to post our writing, should it be via the blog or might we have a link from the blog to a wiki, which enables us to upload files and allows each of us editing capabilities.
Then there are issues that need to be decided upon, such as
  • Should we submit writings early?
  • What does one do if he/she needs or wants to submit late or not at all?
  • How do we talk about each others' writing? Do we make comments, suggestions, critiques, compliments?
  • Should we define what we each hope to get out of this -- write about the question, "why spend time writing?" or the q, "why be creative; what is the use or benefit of being creative?"
There may be more things that come up - and as they do, I hope that we address them collectively.

Here is a exert from a website I came across (,

"There is an urban legend (which may be true) floating around that a study was done of two writing groups at Harvard University. One group gave only positive feedback to its members. The other group tore each other’s work apart. When the two groups were followed up ten years later, none of the critical feedback group members were still writing. The positive feedback group members were all writing and two of them had won Pulitzer prizes for their work."

Let me know what you think.
Thank you for participating.

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